Have a look at what the Redline teams have been up to recently …

Redline on standby for rescue for routine boiler inspections.
Redline operatives cleaning and disinfecting underfloor void after soil pipe damage.

Forced air ventilation using centrifugal fans prior to entry into water pipes.

Rescue team and top man provision for contractors relining a storage reservoir.
Rescue back-up during crane and basket entry into 25m deep wet well.

Lowering operatives into wet well to replace pump guide rails.
Full safety and rescue team for surveyors to enter deep service shalf and tunnel to assess for future works.

Safety and rescue team for asbestos surveyors entering service tunnels beneath university.

Top man and rescue team for contractors carrying out culvert repairs.
Safety and rescue team for surveyors to laser scan basement areas prior to demolition works.

Top man and confined space safety equipment for surveyors carrying out line and level survey of culvert.

Redline operatives removing remedial seals from pipelines prior to re-lining works.

Using bluetooth technology to keep an eye on atmospheric readings.

Rescue and safety teams to facilitate maintenance of bridge monitoring equipment.

Safety and rescue team to supervise pipe lagging replacement in service tunnels.
Rescue team to standby during welding activities within a series of tanks.
Provision and operation of airline breathing equipment during tank cleaning in a hazardous atmosphere.

Provision of standby team to retrieve confined space inspection drone if required.

Confined space safety and rescue team for surveyors assessing for future works.

Access and rescue team to facilitate routine inspection works.

Provision of rescue team and top man to enable radiation monitoring within underground chambers.

Redline using one of their powered winches to lower inspectors into a service reservoir.

Safety escort teams looking after CCTV operatives investigating lateral connections.

Safety escort team looking after surveyors laser scanning culverted watercourse.

Training and facilitating emergency drills at the start of a tank re-lining project.

Full entry management (rescue, entry and supervision) during cleaning works.

Using powered ascenders for access into culverted watercourse.

Rescue cover and entry management for multiple contractors working within underground storage reservoir..

Safety and rescue teams supervising surveying of services within tunnel and shafts.